DO-AL(L) Creatives - Challenge #24 - Christmas / New Year

So excited about Christmas this year and it's only 25 days away.

And now for the new challenge from DO-AL (l) creatives: 

The challenge #24 is 'Christmas/New Year'

Using one of our sponsor, Digi4Joy images,  
I have created a Chrsitmas Daily journal for this year. 

I love these and it is such a great way to keep track of 
everything you need to do in the 24 days leading up to christmas.  

So here is the cover of my journal:

 The sponsors image worked so well,  and I have furhter plans to use it in the journal itself

So over the next few weeks I will complete the journal pages and add them to the blog, so watch this space (or follow me) and see how the journal turns out. 

Happy crafting


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