Lockdown Project three: card set
For New Zealand it is day 32 of our alert level 4 lockdown. We are going to alert level 3 midnight on the 27th April. It has certainly been unprecedented times for everyone. This coming Tuesday is hopefully the start of getting but to some normality although it will be a diffent type of normality for all. Schools will only be open for children of essential services but even then many people are choosing to keep children home. Some small business will be able to open under strict guide lines. Small steps and we will get there. OK, me a long weekend gives me some time to craft. Hope you like the cards. Happy crafting J Kiwa and I crafted a sign for the end of our driveway for ANZAC day. We usually get up just before dawn and go to the centre of town with a few thousand others and commemorate our ANZAC's. We knew that this year would be a little different being in lockdown so we all went to the end of our driveways at dawn