
Showing posts from December, 2018

'If you give a Crafter a Cookie' Challenge #109

Wow, only 11 days til Christmas. Here is our last challenge from If you give a crafter a cookie for the year.  From all of us at 'If you give a crafter a cookie" Merry christmas and have a wonderful new year Now for this challenge, the yummy inspiration is:    the challenge sponsor is: And my card is also being gifted, along with a couple of others I made over the weekend,  to 'Sending Love'   (see below for more details or visit the site) Hope you like the cards. Again Merry christmas to everyone Happy crafting:  J Sending love  Sending Love is about people and communities coming together to make a festive gesture towards another person who may experience loneliness over Christmas. It is one person putting love and thought into a card to pass a smile and a sense of feeling remembered and loved onto another person. It is not an organisation, or a charity; Sending Love is a platform and vehicle

Christmas Daily - day 2

The advent calenders are up and the kids can't wait for tomorrow a treat.    And my preparation for decorating my trees are in full swing.  I managed to get some old books from the St James gala a couple of months ago and I am using these to made some vintage decorations.  takes a bit of time to fold the pages but the results are worth every minute.   I used the metal clasps from broken bauble decorations.  I knew they would come in handy one day.  These are going to look great on the tree, scheduled to go up next weekend.  Happy crafting.   J

DO-AL(L) Creatives - Challenge #24 - Christmas / New Year

So excited about Christmas this year and it's only 25 days away. And now for the new challenge from DO-AL (l) creatives:  The challenge #24 is 'Christmas/New Year' Using one of our sponsor, Digi4Joy images,   I have created a Chrsitmas Daily journal for this year.  I love these and it is such a great way to keep track of  everything you need to do in the 24 days leading up to christmas.   So here is the cover of my journal:  The sponsors image worked so well,  and I have furhter plans to use it in the journal itself So over the next few weeks I will complete the journal pages and add them to the blog, so watch this space (or follow me) and see how the journal turns out.  Happy crafting J