'If you give a Crafter a Cookie' Challenge #109

Wow, only 11 days til Christmas. Here is our last challenge from If you give a crafter a cookie for the year. From all of us at 'If you give a crafter a cookie" Merry christmas and have a wonderful new year Now for this challenge, the yummy inspiration is: the challenge sponsor is: And my card is also being gifted, along with a couple of others I made over the weekend, to 'Sending Love' (see below for more details or visit the site) Hope you like the cards. Again Merry christmas to everyone Happy crafting: J Sending love Sending Love is about people and communities coming together to make a festive gesture towards another person who may experience loneliness over Christmas. It is one person putting love and thought into a card to pass a smile and a sense of feeling remembered and loved onto another person. It is not an organisation, or a charity; Sending Love is a...