Do-Al (l) Creatives - Challenge #4 - Easter

I can't believe it we are up to the forth challenge for Do-AL(l) Creatives,
now remember the challenge runs from 1st April to the end of the month. 

Come check out the Do-AL(l) Creatives challenge blog. 

here is my creation for this month

The theme for this month is: 
Easter (The Easter egg hunt and Easter bunnies)
The card has a little special inside.

Remember your creation can be any type of creation from a card, Scrapbook  layout, fabric craft, even food.  What ever the theme inspires you to do. 
  I can't wait to see your winter time creations.

Now for the inside of the card. 

I love cards that are beautiful in the inside and out.   

Shhh...The boys will be giving this card with Easter eggs to their grandmother.

Can't wait to see your creations
Happy crafting.



  1. Wow... this is just awesome! I love the style and the fancy fold! Many thanks for your amazing done teamie!

    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives (#4 – Easter)
    *DT* Die Sketchtanten


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