Back from holiday

Yes,  there is one thing, amongst many others, that is wonderful about New Zealand and that is that the whole country tends to close down over the christmas period.  Schools close for up to 7 weeks,  Business offices close for a minimum of 2 weeks (most run on skeleton staff until the 14th)  even parliament don't sit again until mid January.  Just wonderful.  So yes I am back at work and back to my crafts which has been sadly lacking since little Kiwa had his tonsils out on the 12th December.  

Anyway today I did manage a couple of hours today to open up my latest deliveries from stampin up and also to complete a layout.  Here is the result.  Hope you enjoy.    

 I used prima papers, flowers and embellishments

These photos were taken on a bike ride that Gregor took the boys on.  Along the way we stopped at what looked like an old band stand that was set back of the road and the perfect place to have a drink stop. 


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