Lets Scrap Sketches - 01-01-17: 2016 tick layout

Happy New Year everyone and t start the year off here is the first challenge
for this this year from  'Lets Scrap Sketches'

Now as you know I am not big on lots of big photos on layouts so my inspiration is from the photo placement rather than size.  Hope you like it. 

For this challenge we are doing a flash back sketch as inspiration.

Can't wait to see what inspirational creations you come up with.

Here are a couple more photos.  I used Kaiser papers  
I have used lots of foam tape on this layout


  Yep,  2016 done and dusted

 I used some kindy glits

Great photos from our 2016 vist to Hamilton Gardens

 Fun times

Happy scrapping,  look forward to your comments
and remember to include your blog so I can come visit.



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